Monday, September 16, 2013

Recipe of Jeera Aloo - Chef Rodricks

Recipe of Jeera Aloo - Chef Rodricks

Potato - 4 Large Boiled, peeled or unpeeled and Cut into small cubes
Cumin Seeds (Jeera)
Chopped Green Chilli - 2-3
Onion Chopped - 1 Large
Turmeric - 1/2 Teaspoon
Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 Teaspoon
Cilantro for Garnish
Salt to Taste
Coriander Powder - 1/2 Teaspoon
Jeera Powder - 1/2 Teaspoon
Red Chilli Powder - 1/2 Teaspoon
Dry Fenu Greek Leaves - 1 Teaspoon
Oil - 50 Gms


Take a Fry Pan and preheat.  Add Oil. Put Cumin Seeds and allow them to crackle.

Add Chopped Onion & Saute it, till Golden Color.  Add Turmeric & Ginger Garlic Paste and cook for 1 min till the smell is gone.  Put green chilli chopped & fenugreek leaves.

Take a small bowl and put red chilli powder, coriander and cumin powder with little water to make a paste.  Add the paste in the pan and cook for 2-3 mins on a low flame.

Add the boiled potato and mix it well with the paste and cook for another 10 mins.

Check the seasoning. Garnish with Nice amount of Cilantro and serve.